T-Ball is a coed introductory baseball program for both boys and girls at 5 or 6 years of age. These players are currently in kindergarten or will be entering kindergarten in the Fall. Players are introduced to the basics of the game of baseball. Focus is on instruction and fun. Emphasis is on fundamentals of the game as players are shown the basics of hitting, throwing, catching and base running within a framework of teamwork and sportsmanship. Players hit off of a T-stand. Games are instructional.
Kindergarten Rookie Baseball (coach-pitch)
Kindergarten Rookie Baseball is an introductory baseball program. This is a division for Kindergarten (with prior T-Ball experience). Players enjoy this natural transition from T-Ball. Games are instructional. Coaches pitch to their own team for the entire game. Flexi-balls are used with softer centers for safety. Players get 8 pitches; there are strikeouts but no walks. 50' bases and 35' pitching distance.
NEW - 1st Grade Rookie Baseball (coach-pitch)
1st Grade Rookie Baseball is an introductory baseball program where children transition from grass fields to the regular baseball diamond. This is a division for 1st graders where players enjoy this natural transition from beginning baseball. Games are instructional. Coaches pitch to their own team for the entire game. Flexi-balls are used with softer centers for safety. Players get 8 pitches; there are strikeouts but no walks. 50' bases and 35' pitching distance.
"A" Baseball
"A" Baseball is an introductory program for 2nd grade. No tryouts are required. Players pitch a maximum of 7 pitches to a batter, then coach comes in for 1 pitch if player is still at bat. Regulation baseballs are introduced at this level. There are strikeouts but no walks. 50' bases and 35' pitching distance.
"AA" Baseball
"AA" Baseball is for 3rd grade. No tryouts are required. Players pitch the entire game. Regulation baseballs are used at this level. There are strikeouts and walks. 60' bases and 40' pitching distance.
"AAA" Baseball
"AAA" Baseball is a recreational program divided into two groups; 4th-5th grades and 6th-7th-8th grades. WAA reserves the right to regroup age divisions based upon registrations. No tryouts are required. Players pitch the entire game, stealing is allowed. Regulation baseballs are used. 60' bases and 44' pitching distance for 4th and 5th grade and 70' base paths and 48' pitching distance for the 6th, 7th and 8th grade.